Introduction. The system of higher education in modem conditions of Ukrainian society is an active understanding of the role and place of historical-and-pedagogical disciplines. Scientific conferences and discussions are proof of creating a unified approach to teaching History of Pedagogy.
The purpose of the article is to review the role of History of Pedagogy in the educational process of higher education establishments.
The methods of analysis, synthesis, comparison are used in the article.
Results. The student should acquire a comprehensive knowledge of the process of formation of preconditions, origin and social development in the study of the history of education. It is part of the pedagogical history of mankind, but with its own characteristics.
In the process of studying History of Pedagogy, the transfer of the achievements of historical-and-pedagogical experience to new generations is taking place. Studying history, a person evaluates events and their participants, while developing criteria for their behavior. Historical-and-pedagogical knowledge is a powerful tool for influencing consciousness - both individual and sociaL This is the factor that supports the social activity of the individual, since the formed historical-and-pedagogical consciousness gives an understanding of the historical perspective in the context of the past.
Conclusion. Consequently, the use of new approaches and the search for truth when studying the problem of the pedagogical process contribute to the development of the autonomy of a future specialist’s thinking.
They also contribute to the expansion of emotional potential; the formation of general cultural competence in the context of socio-cultural patterns and thus provide independence in the period of further professional activities.
У статті висвітлена тема необхідності перегляду ролі історії педагогіки в освітньому процесі вищих навчальних закладів; розкрито сутність історико-педагогічної науки і її функції, що впливають на формування особистості студента; також звертається увага на необхідність організації проблемного навчання у вищій школі для підвищення якості педагогічної освіти.